Chapter: 23 Be Successful

Happy person

Everybody in this earth wants to be successful in their life. There is no boundary and limitation for being successful. Some people regard themselves as successful even when they achieve small thing but some people don’t regard, even when they achieve big thing.

Whenever, success is discussed even already successful people pay attention as success is a never ending thing. When one gets success in one thing s/he wants to get success in another thing.

In this earth only handful of people are successful who lives every moment as a gift and utilize each seconds efficiently. But many are not successful they just live like they are forced to live and they work like they are forced to work.

Well here are some tips which can help you to be successful:

1. Have a purpose:

What do you want to do in life? I think many of you may say, I want to be doctor, engineer, nurse, CEO, lawyer etc. Well these are not purpose but these are just goal which can be achieved after certain interval of time. Then what will you do with the rest of your life.

Well, generally a normal person after achieving his that kind of goal starts to earn money. Just imagine you are that person. Everyday you work so, that you can earn more money and you start to relate “more work=more money”. Then you will try to fulfill your material needs. Someday you may become millionaire but someday you will also certainly die. When you die, you won’t take anything. No, matter how much money you earned, how much strong relation you had and how much respected you were, all will be worthless when you die.

Generally, a normal person will say if I work hard today then I will be happy tomorrow. But great people enjoys and live the present moment, enjoy his work and don’t put off for tomorrow.

All the great people had discovered their unique purpose in their life. They tried to live according to their purpose for the whole life. So, they became successful. But an average person is living imposed purpose which is to earn money.

Next big question is how to find true purpose. But first of all try to solve this question:

*. What do you love to do for your whole life, even if you are not paid back?

Before answering this questions try to see some characteristics of purpose:

  1. Purpose shouldn’t be limited on the basis of geography and time. Your purpose shouldn’t be achievable even after thousands of years. Your purpose should work as a direction.
  2.  Each time you pursue your purpose you will feel excited and satisfied.
  3. You will be self motivated to do things which comes under your purpose.

Next big problem is how can you pursue your purpose?

Well, there are various ways to pursue your purpose. For example if your purpose is to help people to be self dependent then it can be pursued through various ways. You can provide them financial support or employment by becoming rich. Or you can motivate them to realize their value, to be self dependent and so on. If your purpose is to bring advancement in medical science then it can be pursued by researching and experimenting, being expert, or working in related field. Thus, you can pursue your purpose through what you love to do or what you are talent at.

Many of you out there may feel sad because your present work may not represent your purpose. Don’t be sad for that, just try to shift your work. But don’t change your job instantly because it can bring financial and various problem. Just be slow and steady in the beginning.

2. Do what you love:


When someone asks you “What do you love to do?” Then you may say “I love to watch T.V.” But does watching T.V. give you long-term satisfaction. No, it is just giving you fake pleasure. You should do the thing that you love but that thing should be able to bring positive change in other’s life.

Your life will be better when you are able to make other’s life better.         

                   When you are able to make other’s life better then you can get true satisfaction and pleasure.

You may say what about money:

Well there is a quote:

Do what you love and money will follow you.”

-Marsha Sinetar

Bill Gates loves his work related to computer software, so he puts all his effort over his work and he has been able to bring positive change in people’s life. And people are paying for his contribution and work. So, if you become able to bring positive change in other’s life then you will be certainly paid.

    There is only one life you have to live so try to live it happily.

Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are living in.

So, do what you love not what other want you to do.

3. Conquer your fear and promote self belief:

What are you feared of? Many people fears of failure. So, they set small target in their life to prevent the risk of failure and to prevent disappointment.

You can’t predict what will happen next and there is always risk in life.

“All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them”

–       Walt Disney

If you fear to move ahead then how can you realize your true potentiality and how can you know what is ahead.

Next thing is self belief. Do you believe in yourself that you can become successful? If you can’t even imagine of being successful, then how can you make it happen in real life.

“One person with belief is equal to a force of 99 who have only interest.”

-John Stuart Mill

You should always believe in yourself and think positively that you can. Because only positive thoughts can attracts positive results in life.

Imagine you are going to participate in marathon. But if you get feared of failure and if you don’t believe in yourself that you can become first then you will never become first. But if you believe in yourself that you can become first and practice with the hope of being first, then only you can become first.

Remember, in life living without hope is worthless. If you don’t believe in yourself then how can you expect others to believe in you? There are naysayers and negative people all around you, and they may try to reduce your self belief and courage, who may try to hold you back. Just ignore such people. And realize failure is something that every successful people have to face in order to become successful.

So, don’t be afraid to fail and don’t be afraid to believe in yourself.

4. Determination and patience:

How hard do you want to be successful? You may say “I want real hard to be successful.” Let’s make it sure, try to hold your breath up to how much as you can. Just hold it until you can’t hold it further but at least for 20 seconds (but if you have health problem then don’t do it). Now tell me while you were holding your breath, what was your desire to do at that time? Was it to play video game, was it to watch T.V. or anything else? No, at that time your only desire was to breathe. So, if you want to be successful as much as you want to breathe then only you can be successful.

“The dream is not what you see in sleep, dream is which does not let you sleep”          -Abdul Kalam

It is not only enough to dream big and believe in yourself to become successful. By dreaming you will achieve what you want only in your mind but to make it happen in real world you have to work hard and make effort. Dreaming is not a big deal, everybody dreams whether it is small or big. But what separates extraordinary from ordinary is their capacity to deliver hard work and remain patience. Remember “No pain no gain”

Next thing is patience which many people lacks.

A man who is a master of patience is master of everything else.”

-George Saville

Only working few days with full of enthusiasm won’t make you successful.

The secret to success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching.”

-Dennis Green

So, you should work hard regularly. Success of famous athletes is not only due to their single day of practice but it is the result of their several years of hard work, dedication and devotion. Great achievements are the combination of small effort connected to each other by patience to form a big effort.

Many great people also regard patience as a key to success. If you loose patience you will lose everything else, self belief, hope and even fruit of your effort will disappear.

So, remember success is not easy. It requires strong dedication and patience. So do you have that quality? If not, then adopt it.

5. Utilize yourself fully:

Do you know how much you are capable of? Well a average human has got both physical and mental capacity. These two capacities are made available to us so that we could do more progress in life. But many don’t utilize and maintain this capacity fully so they fail to become successful. We can see some people using only mental capacity more and physical capacity less and vice versa.

For example a wage worker utilizes his physical capacity as much as he can but he fails to utilize his mental capacity. He don’t dream big, everyday he spends most of his money and start as fresh and new next day. Our brain normally uses 25% of our body’s energy and sometimes more if we are doing hard mental tasks. So, such person should at least try to take benefit from energy spent over brain. Whereas some people uses mental capacity at more amount but don’t utilize physical capacity properly. Due to this, they become unhealthy which limits their potentiality.

So, utilize each and every capacity of yours to stay healthy as “Health is wealth”.  The more you use it the more better and stronger it gets.

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photo credit: Kris Krug via photopin cc